

第 1 场 (374) : 阶级 5-A - 1600米 [lc]
獎金 :
RM 15000
13:00 夺标时速 : 1.38.28

马名 Prize $
Prize $
评分 马匹
骑师 练马师 排位 800米 400米 排名 夺标时速 头马距离 头马距离
12 8 回到未来 - - 37 493 56 - 艾菲 林伟杰 1 7 7 1 1.38.28 - -
23 2 槟城之星 - - 43 473 59 - 哈菲斯 库切 5 6 6 2 --- 4 ¼ 4.30
87 4 天仙下凡 - - 41 516 58 - 林上崴 钟汉洋 8 2 2 3 --- 2 ¾ 7.10
157 6 高高兴兴 - - 40 455 57.5 - 鲁邑文 李佊得 10 3 3 4 --- ¾ 7.90
83 7 福洲大姐 - - 39 462 57 - 萨当 黄江发 3 8 8 5 --- HD 8.10
33 11 珠宝商 - - 36 515 55.5 - 穆艾扎 李佊得 4 5 5 6 --- 1 ½ 9.60
156 12 星之选 - - 30 446 52.5 - 蔡剑风 依马迪 2 10 10 7 --- 1 ½ 11.10
83 9 乾坤一掷 - - 37 529 56 - 钟杰腾 库切 12 4 4 8 --- 1 ¼ 12.40
156 10 飞燕 - - 37 495 56 - 刘康承 李佊得 6 9 9 9 --- 2 ¾ 15.20
76 5 无敌勇士 - - 41 546 58 - 阮德利 阿索甘 7 1 1 10 --- 1 ½ 16.70
43 1 神圣银河 - - 43 496 59 - 哈密星 梁保强 11 11 11 11 --- 2 ¾ 19.50
69 3 我来赢 - - 43 450 59 - 林安健 顾安腾 9 12 12 12 --- 1 ½ 21.00



RACE 1 (R374) CLASS 5(A) – 1600m (lc)
MY AIM, a course scratching as it had sustained a bruised near fore sole, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again
Emergency acceptor SONNY BILL was withdrawn due to a capacity field.
SPEEDY SWALLOW (J Low) which was difficult to be loaded and was slow into stride, will be required to pass one starting stall test before being declared to race again.
INVICTUS WARRIOR (C Goon) was slow into stride and thereafter, was pulling hard and was difficult to settle.
JOYFUL (R Rueven) over-raced in the early stages.
At approximately the 1400M-mark, TONGARIRO (AK Lim) was inconvenienced and had to be steadied when SPEEDY SWALLOW rolled outwards on the turn.
On entering the straight, MAZANZE (HK Cheng) carried STAGESHOW (App S Hafis) out.
Jockeys AK Lim and AM Aizat, the rider of TONGARIRO and THE JEWELLER both reported that their mounts were not striding out freely. Post-race veterinary examinations of TONGARIRO revealed that the gelding returned with epiglotic entrapment and THE JEWELLER revealed no obvious abnormality. TONGARIRO will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.
A post-race veterinary examination of INVICTUS WARRIOR revealed that the gelding had returned broken-winded and as such, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.
The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that SPEEDY SWALLOW returned having cast its off hind plate.



第 2 场 (375) : 阶级 5-B - 1600米 [lc]
獎金 :
RM 12800
13:30 夺标时速 : 1.38.28

马名 Prize $
Prize $
评分 马匹
骑师 练马师 排位 800米 400米 排名 夺标时速 头马距离 头马距离
54 1 道川 - - 35 422 59 - 许俊杰 梅纳德 10 4 4 1 1.38.28 - -
33 5 林家领袖 - - 31 489 57 - 哈密星 库切 4 6 6 2 --- 2 ¾ 2.80
24 9 第一桶金 - - 23 520 53 - 钟杰腾 陳榮標 5 3 3 3 --- 1 ¼ 4.10
93 7 赞美诗 - - 26 509 54.5 - 刘康承 黄江发 12 2 2 4 --- SHD 4.20
68 8 蜜利多 - - 25 466 54 - 瓦南 v布根 3 5 5 5 --- 2 6.20
71 11 拿破伦 - - 20 427 52 - 安乃杰 黄江发 1 8 7 6 --- 1 ¼ 7.50
10 2 大总管 - - 34 597 58.5 - 陈志杰 依马迪 2 1 1 7 --- NK 7.80
52 10 金谷铃 - - 22 489 52.5 - 哈菲斯 伍润平 11 7 8 8 --- 2 ¾ 10.60
176 3 就行了 - - 34 473 58.5 - 萨当 库切 8 9 9 9 --- 12¼ 22.90



RACE 2 (R375) CLASS 5(B) – 1600m (lc)
Emergency acceptors MOMENTUM GALAXY and SECOND CHANCE were withdrawn due to a capacity field
In terms of MRA Rule 115, the Panel of Stewards declared FIRST SUCCESS (App YY Oon) a non-runner, as its barrier gate did not open. The gates of MONACO ACE (S Salee) and GLORY AGE (J Chuah) were considerably slow to open and as such, the Panel of Stewards also declared them as non-runners. All bets on FIRST SUCCESS, MONACO ACE and GLORY AGE would be refunded.
Trainer HY Cheng was questioned with regards to the improved performance of MICHIKAWA today. He explained that on the 12th of February 2022 at PNTC, the gelding was slow to jump and since then, he had subjected MICHIKAWA to barrier jump practices. Today, this horse had jumped on terms and in his opinion, this may have accounted for the improved performance. His explanations were noted.



第 3 场 (376) : 阶级 5-B - 1600米 [lc]
獎金 :
RM 12800
14:00 夺标时速 : 1.39.70

马名 Prize $
Prize $
评分 马匹
骑师 练马师 排位 800米 400米 排名 夺标时速 头马距离 头马距离
134 6 得到乐趣 - - 25 450 54.5 - 尤斯里 库克 11 5 4 1 1.39.70 - -
205 7 仁者无敌 - - 23 464 53.5 - 易旺 苏希华 10 2 2 2 --- HD 0.20
161 11 王冠之欢 - - 20 500 52 - 谢伟文 莎莉 6 6 6 3 --- ¾ 1.00
15 1 阳宝石 - - 34 498 59 - 艾菲 莱因斯 1 1 1 4 --- 1 ¼ 2.30
23 3 神秘星 - - 31 510 57.5 - 拉齐奥 伍润平 5 4 5 5 --- 1 3.30
21 8 德利荣耀 - - 23 470 53.5 - 塞伦 李佊得 3 9 8 6 --- ¾ 4.10
144 4 星洲快车 - - 31 582 57.5 - 丹尼尔 库切 4 11 11 7 --- HD 4.30
24 12 雪之舞者 - - 20 477 52 - 哈密星 库切 8 3 3 8 --- 2 ½ 6.80
58 10 巴博亚 - - 20 489 52 - 鲁邑文 库切 2 10 10 9 --- 4 10.80
136 9 天龙 - - 20 537 52 - 安乃杰 黄江发 7 7 7 10 --- 1 ½ 12.30
116 5 星洲大喜 - - 28 506 56 - 萨当 库切 9 8 9 11 --- 3 ½ 15.80



RACE 3 (R376) CLASS 5 (B) – 1600m (lc)
LUCK HAPPY a course scratching as it had sustained bruised off fore fetlock, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again
MYSTICAL STAR (L De Souza) and SING DARCI (S Saddam) were slow into stride.
A post-race veterinary examination of TRINITY HONOR revealed no obvious abnormality.
Trainer PK Leong was questioned with regards to the improved performance of GET THE LOTSKI (M Yusri) today, as compared with its run last week. He was unable to offer any explanation and his attention was drawn to MRA Rule 117(3) regarding ‘in-and-out’ running.
An Inquiry was opened today into the running and handling of TRINITY HONOR, ridden by App A Saran and trained by Trainer Evert van Breukelen. Evidence was taken from App A Saran in the presence of his master, Trainer T Asogan and Trainer Evert van Breukelen. After reviewing the race videos, App A Saran pleaded guilty to a charge under MRA Rule 44(10) for failing to ride to the satisfaction of the Stewards.
The particulars of the charge were that:
1) he failed to ride with sufficient vigour and determination on his mount from the start until approximately the 200M-mark.
Thereby, failing to ride to the satisfaction of the Stewards.
In assessing the penalty, the Panel of Stewards took into account his disciplinary records and mitigating factors. App A Saran was suspended from riding in races for a period of four (4) months effective from Monday, 28th March 2022 and to expire on Wednesday, 27th July 2022, both dates inclusive. In addition, he was fined a sum of RM10,000/- He was advised of his right of appeal (3.12pm).



第 4 场 (377) : 阶级 4-A - 1400米 [sc]
獎金 :
RM 27100
14:30 夺标时速 : 1.23.81

马名 Prize $
Prize $
评分 马匹
骑师 练马师 排位 800米 400米 排名 夺标时速 头马距离 头马距离
14 1 水果冰 - - 60 492 59 - 谢伟文 莱因斯 9 2 2 1 1.23.81 - -
20 7 世纪神驹 - - 57 459 57.5 - 哈密星 罗伯斯 1 7 6 2 --- SHD 0.10
29 11 圣骏 - - 50 443 54 - 鲁邑文 莎莉 7 5 4 3 --- 1 ¼ 1.40
142 9 黑龙公主 - - 57 475 57.5 - 安乃杰 库切 10 1 1 4 --- ¾ 2.20
25 10 飞马猎人 - - 56 438 57 - 林安健 顾安腾 2 3 3 5 --- 1 3.20
58 2 安达多 - - 59 421 58.5 - 陈志杰 林上游 4 4 5 6 --- 1 ¼ 4.50
151 15 钻石冲刺 - - 56 500 57 - 穆艾扎 库切 6 10 9 7 --- 4 ¼ 8.80
149 13 动力部队 - - 52 519 55 - 许俊杰 苏利华 5 11 11 8 --- 2 ¼ 11.10
149 3 离离散红 - - 59 409 58.5 - 哈菲斯 黄江发 12 6 7 9 --- 1 ¼ 12.40
111 8 达芬奇 - - 57 509 57.5 - 阮德利 库切 8 9 10 10 --- HD 12.60
238 4 以妳为荣 - - 59 476 58.5 - 丹尼尔 库切 3 12 12 11 --- 3 ¼ 15.90
225 12 志在必得 - - 46 440 52 - 蔡剑风 依马迪 11 8 8 12 --- 2 17.90



RACE 4 (R377) CLASS 4(A) -1400m (sc)
LIM’S PIPER, MACARTHUR and PALTROW all are course scratching. LIM’S PIPER had sustained a bruised off fore sole, MACARTHUR had sustained a bruised near fore fetlock and PALTROW sustained a bruised off fore sole. Each will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again
ONE FORCE (CK Khaw) was examined behind the barriers by the Club Veterinary Surgeon and was passed fit to start.
STAR GENIUS (J Daniel) threw its head up, jumped awkwardly and was slow into stride.
Passing the 200M-mark, ANDADO (CK Tan) had to switch out to obtain a clear running.
Jockey J Daniel and S Saddam, the rider of STAR GENIUS and DIAMOND RUSH respectively, both reported that their mounts were not striding out freely. Post-race veterinary examinations of STAR GENIUS revealed no obvious abnormality and DIAMOND RUSH had returned with bruised heel bulbs of its near fore. DIAMOND RUSH will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that DIAMOND RUSH returned having cast its near fore plate and MAGNOLIA BLVD (AK Lim) returned having cast its off hind plate



第 5 场 (378) : 阶级 4-B - 1400米 [sc]
獎金 :
RM 20500
15:25 夺标时速 : 1.24.74

马名 Prize $
Prize $
评分 马匹
骑师 练马师 排位 800米 400米 排名 夺标时速 头马距离 头马距离
31 5 黄金展现 - - 48 507 56 - 艾菲 林云生 9 5 5 1 1.24.74 - -
18 7 雪儿 - - 46 442 55 - 谢伟文 赛文 2 4 4 2 --- ¾ 0.80
44 10 帝王梦 - - 45 536 54.5 - 塞伦 莎莉 3 3 3 3 --- 2 ¾ 3.60
83 8 大师 - - 46 466 55 - 林安健 钟汉洋 11 8 7 4 --- ¾ 4.40
40 12 科摩湖 - - 44 505 54 - 穆艾扎 苏利华 7 2 2 5 --- ¾ 5.20
51 13 北京之星 - - 45 469 54.5 - 刘康承 陳榮標 5 10 10 6 --- NK 5.50
23 2 阿雅安 - - 51 495 57.5 - 拉齐奥 顾安腾 8 5 6 7 --- HD 5.70
29 6 我的玫瑰 - - 47 446 55.5 - 尤斯里 库切 6 1 1 8 --- 2 ½ 8.20
184 9 锁链 - - 45 490 54.5 - 萨当 苏姆甘 12 9 9 9 --- 4 ¾ 13.00
118 3 坤甸 - - 49 463 56.5 - 丹尼尔 苏姆甘 10 7 8 10 --- 3 ¼ 16.30



RACE 5 (R378) CLASS 4(B) – 1400m (sc)
ELITE REMARKABLE, a course scratching which had tied up, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Emergency acceptors KING POWER and RULE THE WORLD were withdrawn due to a capacity field.
PONTIANAK which was up 26kgs in body weight since its last run, was checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and was passed fit to start.
Acting on veterinary advice that FAST AND SUPER (App S Hafis) which could not be re-shod, the Panel of Stewards ordered its withdrawal at 2.55pm.
Acting on veterinary advice that ORDOS LEGEND (HS Gill) was lame off fore, the Panel of Stewards ordered its withdrawal at 3.23pm. ORDOS LEGEND will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.
LAGO DE COMO (AM Aizat) jumped awkwardly and was slow into stride. BEIJING STAR (J Low) was also slow into stride.
A post-race veterinary examination of ROSES FOR ME (M Yusri) revealed no obvious abnormality.



第 6 场 (379) : 阶级 5-A - 1200米 [sc]
獎金 :
RM 15000
15:55 夺标时速 : 1.13.16

马名 Prize $
Prize $
评分 马匹
骑师 练马师 排位 800米 400米 排名 夺标时速 头马距离 头马距离
16 7 太阳战将 - - 38 441 56.5 - 许俊杰 伍润平 2 5 5 1 1.13.16 - -
67 6 飞檐走壁 - - 39 422 57 - 哈密星 李佊得 8 2 2 2 --- NS 0.10
17 3 最佳品牌 - - 42 509 58.5 - 陆楷恒 陆楷仁 4 1 1 3 --- 1 ¾ 1.90
115 5 我为人人 - - 41 462 58 - 萨当 库切 3 6 6 4 --- 1 ¼ 3.20
173 4 凯撒大帝 - - 41 512 58 - 鲁邑文 库切 10 7 7 5 --- HD 3.40
237 2 金天快驹 - - 42 468 58.5 - 林安健 林伟杰 11 4 4 6 --- NK 3.70
39 12 戈登克 - - 31 534 53 - 拉齐奥 莱因斯 5 10 10 7 --- HD 3.90
50 8 黄金秀 - - 36 554 55.5 - 艾菲 阿索甘 12 9 8 8 --- 1 ½ 5.40
108 9 宾州 - - 35 488 55 - 林上崴 伍润平 1 3 3 9 --- ½ 5.90
28 11 泰铢 - - 35 459 55 - 哈菲斯 李佊得 6 11 11 10 --- ¾ 6.70
153 1 公爵夫人 - - 43 431 59 - 易旺 苏希华 9 8 9 11 --- 1 ¼ 8.00
119 10 新轮盘 - - 35 502 55 - 尤斯里 苏希华 7 12 12 12 --- 2 ¼ 10.30



RACE 6 (R379) CLASS 5 (A) – 1200m (sc)
ROBBEN, a course scratching as it sustained a sore back, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Emergency acceptors HALLELUJAH and BUTCH CASSIDY were withdrawn due to a capacity field.
ONE FOR ALL which was down 30kgs in body weight since its last run, was checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and was passed fit to start.



第 7 场 (380) : 阶级 5-A - 1200米 [sc]
獎金 :
RM 15000
16:25 夺标时速 : 1.14.07

马名 Prize $
Prize $
评分 马匹
骑师 练马师 排位 800米 400米 排名 夺标时速 头马距离 头马距离
78 1 飞马天神 - - 43 524 59 - 谢伟文 顾安腾 9 2 2 1 1.14.07 - -
91 13 一箭双雕 - - 30 487 52.5 - 丹尼尔 库切 3 1 1 2 --- 6 ¾ 6.80
47 7 老板万岁 - - 35 480 55 - 尤斯里 阿索甘 8 5 5 3 --- ¾ 7.60
60 2 怡保冲刺 - - 42 447 58.5 - 哈菲斯 钟汉洋 6 9 9 4 --- 2 ¼ 9.90
44 12 超级大大 - - 23 538 52 - 穆艾扎 罗伯斯 5 6 6 5 --- NK 10.20
88 9 阿瓦第河 - - 25 495 52 - 鲁邑文 莎莉 10 7 7 6 --- ¾ 11.00
241 5 挑衅者 - - 40 467 57.5 - 阮德利 苏利华 7 8 8 7 --- 3 ¾ 14.80
109 3 米亚哈 - - 41 471 58 - 林安健 林伟杰 4 10 10 8 --- ¾ 15.60
12 4 冰人 - - 41 453 58 - 陆楷恒 陆镇丰 2 3 3 9 --- 2 17.60
131 10 母仪天下 - - 25 481 52 - 刘康承 顾安腾 12 4 4 10 --- 1 ¾ 19.40
17 8 珍惜 - - 31 465 53 - 萨当 李佊得 11 11 11 11 --- 3 ½ 22.90
304 11 金将 - - 25 466 52 - 陈志杰 v布根 1 12 12 12 --- 1 23.90



RACE 7 (R380) CLASS 5(A) -1200m (sc)
GOLDEN ROOSTER, a course scratching as it had sustained sole bruised near fore, it will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Jockeys C Goon, R Rueven and AM Aizat, the riders of PROVOCATEUR, AWATERE and BIG SUPER respectively, reported that their mounts were not striding out freely. Post-race veterinary examinations of PROVOCATEUR, AWATERE and BIG SUPER revealed no obvious abnormality.
App Clyde Leck, the rider of THE ICEMAN also reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of THE ICEMAN revealed no obvious abnormality.
The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that AWATERE (R Rueven) returned having cast its near fore plate.
All riders returned an average of 1kg over.
An Inquiry was opened into the riding of BIG SUPER, ridden by Jockey AM Aizat today in the later stages. After hearing evidence from Jockey AM Aizat and reviewing the videos, he was found guilty to a charge under MRA Rule 44(6) for failing to ride his mount to the end of the race.
In assessing the penalty, the Panel of Stewards took into account Jockey AM Aizat’s disciplinary records and mitigating factors. He was fined a sum of RM1,000/-.



第 8 场 (381) : 阶级 5-B - 1200米 [sc]
獎金 :
RM 12800
16:55 夺标时速 : 1.14.60

马名 Prize $
Prize $
评分 马匹
骑师 练马师 排位 800米 400米 排名 夺标时速 头马距离 头马距离
163 4 诺雅因子 - - 29 431 56 - 林安健 黄进进 12 1 1 1 1.14.60 - -
23 8 临冬城 - - 23 436 53 - 拉齐奥 莱因斯 3 5 4 2 --- 3 ¾ 3.80
27 10 幸运卅九 - - 20 458 52 - 鲁邑文 库切 7 9 7 3 --- 1 ¼ 5.10
25 3 稳操胜劵 - - 32 508 57.5 - 刘康承 陳榮標 5 5 5 4 --- ¾ 5.90
213 11 巴黎银行 - - 20 428 52 - 艾菲 伯勒尼 9 7 6 5 --- NK 6.20
24 7 蒂沃玛丽 - - 24 475 53.5 - 哈菲斯 李佊得 2 11 11 6 --- SHD 6.30
95 12 波罗大亨 - - 20 523 52 - 易旺 伍润平 1 2 2 7 --- 1 ½ 7.80
139 1 幸运巨人 - - 35 575 59 - 丹尼尔 黄江发 4 3 3 8 --- ½ 8.30
78 6 华盛顿 - - 27 512 55 - 许俊杰 黄江发 6 5 8 9 --- 1 9.30
25 5 威震天 - - 27 509 55 - 哈密星 陳榮標 10 10 10 10 --- 1 ¼ 10.60
75 2 马宝宝 - - 33 520 58 - 萨当 库切 11 8 9 11 --- 6 ¼ 16.90
486 13 女王权利 - - 20 480 52 - 蔡剑风 库克 8 12 12 12 --- 41½ 58.40



RACE 8 (R381) CLASS 5 (B) – 1200m (sc)
CLASSIC KING, a course scratching as it had sustained a bruised off fore pastern, it will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Emergency acceptors YOU ARE SPECIAL and ONCE A THEIF were withdrawn due to capacity field.
D’GREAT WIN (J Low) was examined behind the barriers by the Club Veterinary Surgeon and was passed fit to start.
LUCKY GIANT (J Daniel) and TILSWORTH MALI (App S Hafis) were slow into stride.
QUEEN FORCE (J Chuah) which raced poorly, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.
Post-race veterinary examinations of TILSWORTH MALI and QUEEN FORCE revealed no obvious abnormality.
An Inquiry was opened into a report from the Clerk-of-Scales that App S Hafis, the rider of TILSWORTH MALI had returned 1.5kg over. Evidence was taken from App S Hafis, in the presence of acting trainer, Trainer S Deva Raj and the Clerk of Scales.
After considering all evidence, App S Hafis was found guilty to a charge under MRA Rule 121(7) and was fined a sum of RM1,000/-.



第 9 场 (382) : 阶级 5-A - 1000米 [sc]
獎金 :
RM 15000
17:30 夺标时速 : 1.01.12

马名 Prize $
Prize $
评分 马匹
骑师 练马师 排位 800米 400米 排名 夺标时速 头马距离 头马距离
25 10 玛蒂达 - - 29 477 53.5 - 刘康承 顾安腾 10 1 1 1 1.01.12 - -
20 9 六六大顺 - - 32 520 55 - 鲁邑文 库切 6 5 4 2 --- ¾ 0.80
175 4 城市战士 - - 37 465 57.5 - 符策骏 林伟杰 9 2 2 3 --- 3 ¾ 4.60
65 11 流星如一 - - 22 516 52 - 拉齐奥 郑明远 11 3 3 4 --- ½ 5.10
24 5 咆哮如雷 - - 37 471 57.5 - 萨当 黄江发 5 10 10 5 --- 1 ½ 6.60
170 6 好战士 - - 36 469 57 - 艾菲 林上游 8 8 7 6 --- NK 6.90
60 8 金宝 - - 33 463 55.5 - 丹尼尔 库切 12 11 11 7 --- ½ 7.40
46 2 霹雳火 - - 39 553 58.5 - 哈密星 阿索甘 1 9 9 8 --- NK 7.70
72 3 范可得利 - - 38 480 58 - 沙列 顾安腾 4 7 8 9 --- HD 7.90
362 1 夏洛克 - - 40 463 59 - 阮德利 阿索甘 7 12 12 10 --- 1 ½ 9.40
28 7 小辣椒 - - 33 423 55.5 - 林上崴 林伟杰 3 4 5 11 --- 1 ¼ 10.70
92 12 帝王战将 - - 20 501 52 - 哈菲斯 钟汉洋 2 6 6 12 --- 5 15.70



RACE 9 (R382) CLASS 5 (A) – 1000m (sc)
LION CONQUEROR, a course scratching as it had sustained a bruised off fore fetlock, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again
Emergency acceptors NATUREISSPEAKING and MIGHTY PHOENIX were withdrawn due to a capacity field.
RANT AND RAVE (S Saddam) was examined behind the barriers by the Club Veterinary Surgeon and was passed fit to start.
LUCKY SIXTYSIX (R Rueven) jumped awkwardly.
Upon jumping, the saddle on SUNTZU (J Daniel) slipped back.
EMPEROR WARRIOR (App S Hafis) was inconvenienced at the start when racing tight between PURE SPARK (HS Gill) and SMALL CHILLI (SU Lim).
Jockey HS Gill, the rider of PURE SPARK reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of PURE SPARK revealed no obvious abnormality.
The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that METEOR LOUI (L De Souza) returned lame near fore and as such, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.