
Perak Meeting – 3 April 21

Race 1 (247) : Class 5-A - 1600M [lc]
Prize Money :
RM 15000
13:15 WIN TIME : 1.38.29

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
37 9 ALWRICH - - 26 468 52 - HK CHENG B NG 7 2 2 1 1.38.29 - -
56 6 JJ STAR - - 36 573 56 - L DE SOUZA KF WONG 8 5 4 2 --- 2 ¼ 2.30
25 2 SOON YOU THINK - - 40 483 58 - HS GILL K COETZEE 4 3 3 3 --- ¾ 3.10
53 3 LUCK HAPPY - - 38 507 57 - AM AIZAT c1 K COETZEE 11 8 8 4 --- 1 ¾ 4.90
137 8 NAPOLEON - - 30 423 53 - M YUSRI c1 KF WONG 2 1 1 5 --- 2 ¼ 7.20
98 1 INVICTUS WARRIOR - - 42 535 59 - S MUNIANDY T ASOGAN 3 4 5 6 --- 1 ¼ 8.50
120 13 POLO MASTER - - 25 493 52 - J CHUAH c1 P LEE 9 6 6 7 --- HD 8.70
167 4 ORION - - 37 505 56.5 - KC WONG R LINES 12 10 9 8 --- 1 ¼ 10.00
32 11 GRAND SHOW - - 23 503 52 - R RUEVEN P LEE 6 7 7 9 --- NS 10.10
96 12 MOMENTUM GALAXY - - 20 486 52 - APP I AMIRUL E BREUKELEN 5 9 10 10 --- 1 ½ 11.60
13 5 GLENAFTON - - 36 524 56 - S SADDAM HY CHENG 10 11 11 11 --- NK 11.90
115 7 GOLD COAST CAPTAIN - - 35 500 54 - AK LIM P LEE 1 12 12 12 --- 2 ¾ 14.70
Result not available yet.



RACE 1 (R247) CLASS 5(A) – 1600m (lc) KAYU MANIS HANDICAP
MAGICAL PARK, a course scratching as it had sustained a cut to its mouth, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Jockey Z Khairil was fined RM500/- for negligence under MRA Rule 152(5)(a) for failing to make the carded weight on NAPOLEON. The Panel of Stewards permitted Jockey M Yusri to replace him as the rider of NAPOLEON.
GOLD COAST CAPTAIN (AK Lim) and POLO MASTER (J Chuah) were both examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and were passed fit to start.
INVICTUS WARRIOR (S Muniandy) jumped away awkwardly.
INVICTUS WARRIOR which was over-racing to the 800M, shifted out and raced wide for clear running.
Jockey AK Lim, the rider of GOLD COAST CAPTAIN reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of GOLD COAST CAPTAIN revealed no obvious abnormality.


Perak Meeting – 3 April 21

Race 2 (248) : Class 5-B - 1400M [lc]
Prize Money :
RM 12800
13:45 WIN TIME : 1.28.26

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
190 8 AMI ELEVEN - - 25 482 54 - AM AIZAT c1 R LINES 4 2 2 1 1.28.26 - -
34 4 BURBANK - - 29 533 56 - I FIRDZRIEL* c3 K COETZEE 6 3 3 2 --- HD 0.20
14 9 SING DARCI - - 41 494 53.5 - HS GILL K COETZEE 9 1 1 3 --- 4 ¾ 5.00
125 3 GOLD KIDS - - 31 451 57 - CK TAN c1 E BREUKELEN 8 4 4 4 --- 2 ½ 7.50
25 5 SIEW YUK - - 29 456 56 - M GANEESH P LEE 3 11 11 5 --- 1 ½ 9.00
112 7 RAISE ME UP - - 27 478 55 - S SALEE B NG 5 5 5 6 --- 1 10.00
57 12 RELIC WARRIOR - - 20 495 52 - HK CHENG P LEE 10 6 6 7 --- 1 ¼ 11.30
166 10 ARTEMISTER - - 34 498 53 - KC WONG S COOK 1 7 7 8 --- 1 ½ 12.80
192 6 CHERISH - - 27 465 55 - S MUNIANDY P LEE 11 10 9 9 --- SHD 12.90
251 2 SPARKLE LOT - - 32 497 57.5 - App. P MOGUN V SIVAN 7 8 8 10 --- 3 ¼ 16.20
22 1 MAPLE RISING - - 35 471 59 - Z KHAIRIL MP THWAITES 12 12 12 11 --- SHD 16.30
52 11 HOSTWIN CHEVALIER - - 22 473 52.5 - SU LIM K ANANTHEN 2 9 10 12 --- 3 19.30
Result not available yet.



RACE 2 (R248) CLASS 5(B) – 1400m (lc) PELABUHAN HANDICAP
RED SAPPHIRE, a course scratching as it had a sore back, it will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Emergency acceptor STANDOUT was withdrawn due to a capacity field.
SIEW YUK (M Ganeesh) jumped away awkwardly and was slow to begin.
GOLD KIDS (CK Tan) jumped away awkwardly.
The Panel of Stewards questioned Trainer R Lines, the trainer of AMI ELEVEN (AM Aizat) into the improved performance of the gelding today. Trainer R Lines explained that the gelding was suited by the barrier draw and also appreciated the ‘Good’ going. His explanations were noted.
A post-race veterinary examination of MAPLE RISING (Z Khairil) revealed that the gelding had returned lame near fore and as such, will required to pass a 1000m/veterinary examination before being declared to race again.


Perak Meeting – 3 April 21

Race 3 (249) : Class 5-B - 1400M [lc]
Prize Money :
RM 12800
14:15 WIN TIME : 1.25.66

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
66 12 YULONG DREAM - - 21 450 54 - P HARIS* c3 K COETZEE 10 3 3 1 1.25.66 - -
139 8 SWEET LODGE - - 25 464 56 - M GANEESH E BREUKELEN 4 2 2 2 --- ¾ 0.80
79 9 POWER EXPRESS - - 24 490 55.5 - S MUNIANDY K COETZEE 2 1 1 3 --- ¾ 1.60
28 4 FRANCES - - 29 473 58 - Z KHAIRIL R LINES 3 5 4 4 --- 4 ¼ 5.90
30 10 GOLDEN COIN - - 23 457 55 - HK CHENG V SIVAN 1 6 6 5 --- 2 ¾ 8.70
143 3 QUEEN FORCE - - 31 496 59 - R RUEVEN S COOK 5 4 5 6 --- HD 8.90
34 1 EDDIE GRAY - - 31 466 59 - KC WONG R LINES 12 8 7 7 --- ¾ 9.70
74 5 FORTUNE SPIRIT - - 28 464 57.5 - App. P MOGUN V SIVAN 11 9 9 8 --- 1 ½ 11.20
55 7 BLACK IS POWER - - 26 499 56.5 - SU LIM HY CHENG 7 7 8 9 --- 10¾ 22.00
14 2 INDOMITABLE SPEED - - 31 498 59 - I FIRDZRIEL* c3 P LEE 6 10 10 10 --- 1 ½ 23.50
62 6 DON'T FORGET THIS - - 27 520 57 - M YUSRI c1 K COETZEE 9 11 11 11 --- 4 27.50
Result not available yet.



AIR POWER, a course scratching as it had sustained skin allergy, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
DON’T FORGET THIS (M Yusri) was examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and was passed fit to start.
MIRACLE TIME (AM Aizat) which was fractious in the barrier, was taken out for examination. Acting on a veterinary advice that the gelding had sustained a bruised right stifle, the Panel of Stewards ordered the withdrawal of MIRACLE TIME as 2.17pm and the gelding will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
DON’T FORGET THIS jumped away awkwardly and was slow to begin.
FRANCES (Z Khairil) was slow to begin.
BLACK IS POWER (SU Lim) which was racing tight on the inside of FRANCES racing to the 1000M, had to be steadied at about the 900M.
App I Firdzriel, the rider of INDOMITABLE SPEED reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of INDOMITABLE SPEED revealed no obvious abnormality.
A post-race veterinary examination of DON’T FORGET THIS revealed no obvious abnormality.


Perak Meeting – 3 April 21

Race 4 (250) : Class 4-B - 1300M [lc]
Prize Money :
RM 20500
14:45 WIN TIME : 1.18.13

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
50 5 PALTROW - - 49 449 57.5 - M GANEESH E BREUKELEN 7 7 7 1 1.18.13 - -
170 8 ORDOS LEGEND - - 47 480 56.5 - HS GILL T ASOGAN 12 1 1 2 --- 1 ½ 1.50
26 4 CHIEF CLERK - - 49 585 57.5 - WK YAN I ISMADI 2 8 8 3 --- NK 1.80
42 3 PRATT STREET - - 50 484 58 - F YAP c1 F MAYNARD 6 6 5 4 --- ¾ 2.60
101 12 D'GREAT CHANCE - - 44 433 55 - AK LIM K ANANTHEN 3 3 3 5 --- 2 ¼ 4.90
65 10 AUSSIE EAGLE - - 45 452 55.5 - L DE SOUZA KF WONG 9 5 6 6 --- NK 5.20
10 2 FAST AND SUPER - - 51 409 58.5 - S HAFIS c1 PK LEONG 8 2 2 7 --- SHD 5.30
34 11 BLUE EYED BOY - - 45 457 55.5 - App. P MOGUN P LEE 1 4 4 8 --- NK 5.60
138 7 TEAM WINNER - - 48 422 57 - P HARIS* c3 HY CHENG 4 9 9 9 --- 4 9.60
218 6 DESTINY KNIGHT - - 44 424 57 - HK CHENG B NG 5 10 10 10 --- 3 12.60
283 9 SHOSHA KAZANAN - - 46 464 56 - J CHUAH c1 P LEE 10 11 11 11 --- 30¼ 42.90
Result not available yet.



RACE 4 (R250) CLASS 4(B) -1300m (lc) HENTIAN HANDICAP
Emergency acceptors LINCOLN COUNTY, FUNKADELIC and PLATOON were withdrawn due to a capacity field.
WORLD HARMONY was withdrawn by order of the Panel of Stewards at 1.30pm, as the gelding’s vaccination status for Equine Influenza/EHV was not current. Trainer K Coetzee, the trainer of WORLD HARMONY was fined RM1,000/- in terms of MRA Regulation 20.3.1 as read with MRA Regulation 20.6.
TEAM WINNER (App P Haris) jumped away awkwardly and was slow into stride.
The saddle on D’GREAT CHANCE (AK Lim) slipped back during the running of the race.
Jockey WK Yan, the rider of CHIEF CLERK, the 3rd place-getter, was fined RM500/- for negligence under MRA Rule 152(5)(a) in that at about the 400M, he dropped his whip.
App P Haris, the rider of TEAM WINNER reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of TEAM WINNER revealed that the gelding had returned with lame off fore, as such will required to pass a 1000m/veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Post-race veterinary examinations of FAST AND SUPER (App S Hafis) and SHOSHA KAZANAN (J Chuah) revealed no obvious abnormality.


Perak Meeting – 3 April 21

Race 5 (251) : Class ES A - 1200M [lc]
Prize Money :
RM 38700
15:15 WIN TIME : 1.10.45

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
16 2 LIM'S DASHING - - 68 481 57 - HS GILL K COETZEE 11 2 2 1 1.10.45 - -
100 10 D'GREAT BOSS - - 63 492 56 - AK LIM S HAMILTON 4 5 4 2 --- 3 3.00
34 3 MACARTHUR - - 67 516 57 - S SADDAM SHANMUGAM 2 3 3 3 --- 1 ¼ 4.30
29 4 ANDADO - - 64 424 56 - APP I AMIRUL SY LIM 7 9 9 4 --- ¾ 5.10
92 11 SACRED GALAXY - - 63 508 56 - Z KHAIRIL PK LEONG 12 8 6 5 --- 1 6.10
56 1 GOLDEN TYCOON - - 76 551 59 - Y AIFY K COETZEE 5 1 1 6 --- HD 6.30
68 8 ALCATRAZ - - 63 483 56 - S SALEE CC OOI 1 7 7 7 --- NK 6.60
54 12 PULAU PINANG - - 62 458 56 - L DE SOUZA CW ROBERT 3 6 8 8 --- 3 9.60
105 5 COME ON JENNEY - - 64 460 56 - P HARIS* c3 T ASOGAN 6 10 10 9 --- 1 ½ 11.10
37 9 CERDAN - - 63 539 56 - WW CHEAH c1 R LINES 8 4 5 10 --- 2 ¼ 13.40
117 7 GEORGETOWN - - 64 511 56 - KC LOW K COETZEE 9 11 11 11 --- 4 ¼ 17.70
70 6 DISCRETELY RED - - 64 407 56 - KC WONG KF WONG 10 12 12 12 --- NS 17.80
Result not available yet.



SORBETA, WHY NOT both course scratching as they had sustained bruised suspensory ligament and cellulitis off fore cannon respectively, will each be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again

Emergency acceptor PENDRAGON PRINCESS was withdrawn due to a capacity field.

GOLDEN TYCOON and COME ON JENNY which were up 15kgs respectively, in body weight since their last run, were checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and were passed fit to start.
DISCRETELY RED (KC Wong) jumped away awkwardly and was slow into stride.
GEORGETOWN (J Low) was slow into stride.
COME ON JENNY (App P Haris) raced wide from 800m until entering the straight.


Perak Meeting – 3 April 21

Race 6 (252) : Class OP M - 1000M [sc]
Prize Money :
RM 17700
15:50 WIN TIME : 5.85.2

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
24 4 BIG G - - 43 464 57.5 - M GANEESH P LEE 1 1 1 1 5.85.20 - -
17 12 SHENG PROISIR - - 0 439 55.5 - S SADDAM S HAMILTON 5 3 3 2 --- 1 ¼ 1.30
13 1 STORM WARNING - - 46 531 57.5 - WK YAN S SIVA 2 2 2 3 --- ½ 1.80
99 6 COLOUR PAINT - - 35 459 57.5 - M YUSRI c1 K COETZEE 10 5 4 4 --- 1 ¼ 3.10
68 10 EMKI EMPRESS - - 28 473 56 - S ROSMIZAN c2 S HAMILTON 6 4 5 5 --- 2 ¼ 5.40
115 7 ANOTHER SHOW - - 34 460 57.5 - Z KHAIRIL T ASOGAN 9 6 6 6 --- 3 8.40
83 3 GOLDEN NINETY TWO - - 44 517 57.5 - HK CHENG HY CHENG 11 8 7 7 --- 1 ¼ 9.70
335 11 POWERFUL DRAGON - - 0 494 55.5 - S MUNIANDY B NG 12 7 8 8 --- 1 ¼ 11.00
133 8 NOVA BATTLE - - 23 550 57.5 - P HARIS* c3 CC OOI 4 10 9 9 --- 2 ¼ 13.30
89 9 DARCI SUPER - - 22 437 57.5 - S HAFIS c1 S HAMILTON 3 9 10 10 --- 1 ¼ 14.60
98 2 GEB WARRIOR - - 44 627 57.5 - CT LEE* c3 T ASOGAN 7 11 11 11 --- 3 ½ 18.10
164 5 GOLD VALLEY - - 41 443 57.5 - L DE SOUZA MP THWAITES 8 12 12 12 --- 15¾ 33.90
Result not available yet.



OVERLORD, a course scratching as it had sustained knocked off fore fetlock, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Emergency acceptor RISE OF THE LEGEND and LIM’S LEADER were withdrawn due to a capacity field.
ANOTHER SHOW which was down 17kgs and NOVA BATTLE which was up 33kgs in body weight since their last run, were checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and were passed fit to start.
GEB WARRIOR (App CT Lee) jumped away awkwardly.
GOLD VALLEY (L De Souza) stood when the gates were released, veered outwards on jumping away and lost ground. As such, the gelding will be required to pass one (1) starting stall test before being declared to race again.


Perak Meeting – 3 April 21

Race 7 (253) : Class 4-B - 1100M [sc]
Prize Money :
RM 20500
16:20 WIN TIME : 1.05.00

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
16 1 D'GREAT JOURNEY - - 53 483 59 - AM AIZAT c1 EP TAN 4 2 1 1 1.05.00 - -
29 6 VIJETA - - 47 575 56 - A SARAN* c4 T ASOGAN 11 6 5 2 --- 1 ¾ 1.80
42 2 SUNNY STAR - - 53 506 59 - S SADDAM B NG 2 3 3 3 --- NK 2.10
133 7 LUKE MAN - - 46 517 55.5 - AK LIM S HAMILTON 9 1 2 4 --- 1 ¾ 3.90
58 5 GENERAL TYCOON - - 48 446 56.5 - P HARIS* c3 CC OOI 12 7 7 5 --- 1 ½ 5.40
75 3 TIME TO ROCK - - 51 508 58 - R LINGARAJAN* c4 K COETZEE 7 4 4 6 --- NK 5.70
24 9 SPEEDY DEMON - - 45 445 55 - App. P MOGUN V SIVAN 3 5 6 7 --- HD 5.90
45 11 MAJULAH - - 44 538 54.5 - KC WONG MP THWAITES 1 8 8 8 --- HD 6.10
198 4 CAORUNN - - 50 524 57.5 - S SALEE S HAMILTON 8 11 11 9 --- 2 8.10
148 10 STAR CHOICE - - 63 442 55 - CK TAN c1 I ISMADI 6 12 12 10 --- 1 ¾ 9.90
46 8 LOUEY VELOCE - - 45 486 55 - WW CHEAH c1 K ANANTHEN 10 9 9 11 --- 1 ¼ 11.20
241 12 SUPER HARD - - 44 477 54.5 - HK CHENG P LEE 5 10 10 12 --- 2 ¼ 13.50
Result not available yet.



RACE 7 (R253) CLASS 4(B) -1100m (sc) CASSIA HANDICAP
Emergency acceptor SOLID BRISK was withdrawn due to a capacity field.
STAR CHOICE (CK Tan) was examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and was passed fit to start.
STAR CHOICE was slow to begin.
SPEEDY DEMON (App P Mogun) jumped away awkwardly and bumped SUNNY STAR (S Saddam), resulting in App P Mogun becoming unbalanced momentarily.
App P Haris, the rider of GENERAL TYCOON reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of GENERAL TYCOON revealed no obvious abnormality.
Jockey AM Aizat, who rode his 80th winner on D’GREAT JOURNEY today, will be entitled to claim 1kg with effect from Monday, 5th April 2021.


Perak Meeting – 3 April 21

Race 8 (254) : Class 5-B - 1200M [sc]
Prize Money :
RM 12800
16:50 WIN TIME : 1.11.54

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
64 4 SING ROULETTE - - 29 492 56.5 - KC WONG S SIVA 10 1 1 1 1.11.54 - -
67 8 VENUS DE MILO - - 23 452 53.5 - S ROSMIZAN c2 S HAMILTON 11 6 6 2 --- 3 ¾ 3.80
83 12 ONCE A THIEF - - 20 457 52 - SS VANAN c1 K COETZEE 8 5 5 3 --- ¾ 4.60
17 2 MY FIRST MILLION - - 33 493 58.5 - J DANIEL c1 EP TAN 6 4 4 4 --- 3 ¼ 7.90
25 11 LOYALTY'S ANGEL - - 20 469 52 - S SADDAM SHANMUGAM 5 3 3 5 --- 1 ¼ 9.20
27 3 SATELLITE GENIUS - - 30 454 57 - Y AIFY HY CHENG 3 7 7 6 --- ½ 9.70
72 10 DANE'S ANATOMY - - 20 536 52 - R RUEVEN P LEE 2 8 8 7 --- ¾ 10.50
40 7 POWERFUL STAR - - 23 437 53.5 - M YUSRI c1 K COETZEE 9 2 2 8 --- 3 ½ 14.00
95 1 I'M THE MAN - - 34 499 59 - Z KHAIRIL HY CHENG 7 10 10 9 --- HD 14.20
34 5 STRONG MAN - - 26 502 55 - C GOON T ASOGAN 4 9 9 10 --- 4 ¼ 18.50
Result not available yet.



SUPER EIGHT, a course scratching as it had sustained a bruised off fore fetlock, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Acting on veterinary advice that HOSTWIN QUEEN was unable to provide a pre-race blood sample, the Panel of Stewards ordered its withdrawal at 4.32pm under MRA Rule 134(2)(a)(ii).

SATELITE GENIUS (Y Aify) was slow to begin.
Jockey R Rueven the rider of DANE’S ANATOMY reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of DANE’S ANATOMY revealed no obvious abnormality.
A post-race veterinary examination of LOYALTY’S ANGEL (S Saddam) revealed no obvious abnormality.


Perak Meeting – 3 April 21

Race 9 (255) : Class 5-B - 1200M [sc]
Prize Money :
RM 12800
17:25 WIN TIME : 1.12.44

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
43 4 GOLDEN DRAGON - - 27 457 57.5 - WW CHEAH c1 R LINES 9 1 1 1 1.12.44 - -
18 8 TOP TURF - - 23 477 55.5 - KC WONG SHANMUGAM 6 2 2 2 --- NK 0.30
62 5 TRINITY FLYING - - 26 459 57 - M GANEESH SY LIM 11 4 3 3 --- 2 ¼ 2.60
108 12 MARTELLO - - 20 455 54 - L DE SOUZA S DEVA RAJ 2 8 8 4 --- ½ 3.10
39 2 GOLDEN SHOW - - 29 558 58.5 - P HARIS* c3 T ASOGAN 1 7 6 5 --- NK 3.40
19 3 ASIAN JET - - 28 446 58 - J DANIEL c1 SHANMUGAM 10 3 4 6 --- 1 ¼ 4.70
55 1 RED RACKHAM - - 30 490 59 - S SALEE S HAMILTON 3 5 5 7 --- 2 ¼ 7.00
142 11 GOLDEN EXPLORER - - 20 479 54 - Y AIFY T ASOGAN 4 10 9 8 --- NK 7.30
84 10 LADY BOSS - - 21 527 54.5 - AK LIM HY CHENG 7 6 7 9 --- 1 ¼ 8.60
78 6 CLASSIC KING - - 25 522 56.5 - R RUEVEN S DEVA RAJ 12 9 10 10 --- 1 ¼ 9.90
68 7 NEVERUNCONDITIONAL - - 38 523 56 - HS GILL T ASOGAN 5 11 11 11 --- 2 11.90
86 9 DICAPRIO - - 21 439 54.5 - M YUSRI c1 PK LEONG 8 12 12 12 --- 3 ½ 15.40
Result not available yet.



RACE 9 (R255) CLASS 5(B) – 1200m (sc) ASUHAN HANDICAP
NEVERUNCONDITIONAL which was down 15kgs in body weight since its last run, was checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and was passed fit to start.
NEVERUNCONDITIONAL (HS Gill) was slow to begin.
DICAPRIO (M Yusri) jumped away awkwardly and was slow into stride.
Jockey HS Gill the rider of NEVERUNCONDITIONAL reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of NEVERUNCONDITIONAL revealed no obvious abnormality.