
Perak 26 Noveber Meeting

Race 1 (1497) : Class ES A - 1400M
Prize Money :
RM 48000
13:05 WIN TIME : 1.26.2

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
502 9 BACH'S AIR - - 66 518 53 - no data V SIVAN 11 1 1.26.20 - -
107 16 REBEL FURY - - 62 466 52 - no data S EDWARDS 6 2 --- 3 ½ 3.50
15 14 DARCI GLITTER - - 63 530 52 - no data S HAMILTON 8 3 --- 1 ¼ 4.80
42 1 BORN TO FLY (DELETED) - - 486 60 - no data 3 4 --- ½ 5.30
92 8 SHANGHAI BUND - - 68 503 53 - no data K COETZEE 7 5 --- 2 7.30
93 15 HIGH TROJA - - 63 453 52 - no data F MAYNARD 9 6 --- 2 ¼ 9.60
19 3 MR ARMSTRONG - - 74 506 54 - no data F MAYNARD 1 7 --- ½ 10.10
213 17 REAL MEAN - - 63 451 52 - no data R LINES 4 8 --- NS 10.20
34 6 INTENTION - - 71 491 54 - no data PK LEONG 10 9 --- NK 10.50
110 11 ROYAL GREEN - - 66 514 53 - no data K COETZEE 2 10 --- 2 12.50
324 2 PISCES STAR - - 77 487 55 - no data K COETZEE 14 11 --- SHD 12.60
32 5 BIG BOSS - - 72 500 54 - no data I ISMADI 5 12 --- 2 14.60
62 7 EN LAUDER - - 70 477 54 - no data R LINES 12 13 --- 2 ¾ 17.40
363 12 GHOST EMPEROR - - 64 500 52 - no data M SUKRI 13 14 --- 10½ 27.90
Result not available yet.




MIA, a course scratching as it was lame near fore foot, will be required to pass a 1000M/vet examination before being declared to race again.
TEN SENSE WIN, a course scratching as it had sustained a bruised off fore fetlock, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
BRILLIANT DEAL was scratched as it managed to secure a run in the feature race today (Race 4).
HIGH TROJA (J Mallyon) was examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and was passed fit to start.
HIGH TROJA and REAL MEAN (App L De Souza) were both slow to begin.
Racing to the 450M, DARCI GLITTER (App KC Wong) which was attempting a run on the inside of SHANGHAI BUND (Z Khairil), had to be steadied when that gelding rolled in.
Post-race veterinary examinations of MR ARMSTRONG (J De Souza) and INTENTION (TM Wan) revealed no obvious abnormality and BIG BOSS returned with heat stress. As such, BIG BOSS will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.
The Panel of Stewards questioned Trainer S Hamilton, the trainer of BACH’S AIR as to its improved performance today. She stated that the gelding was having its second start in Malaysia and after a 12-month break, she expected BACH’S AIR to improve today, as it had been working well. Her explanation was noted.


Perak 26 Noveber Meeting

Race 2 (1498) : Class 4 - 1200M
Prize Money :
RM 43000
13:35 WIN TIME : 1.14.9

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
20 8 TRIPLE ONE D'GREAT - - 54 440 57 - L DE SOUZA S DEVA RAJ 8 2 2 1 1.14.90 - -
30 12 STIRLING - - 48 475 54 - R RUEVEN E BREUKELEN 7 7 6 2 --- ¾ 0.80
42 2 LUCKY DAPPER - - 59 491 59 - AM AIZAT c1 F MAYNARD 11 4 3 3 --- 3 ¼ 4.10
31 11 LEE'S SURPRISE - - 50 460 55 - SS VANAN c1 S HAMILTON 1 5 4 4 --- 1 ¼ 5.40
46 5 BRISTOL DIAMOND - - 56 491 58 - HS GILL K COETZEE 10 3 5 5 --- 1 6.40
31 4 SAND BANK - - 57 550 58 - J DE SOUZA S DUNDERDALE 9 1 1 6 --- ½ 6.90
48 10 CONDADO - - 52 475 56 - F YAP c1 S SIVA 6 8 7 7 --- ½ 7.40
42 3 NOTHING TO LOSE - - 59 463 59 - SU LIM A NOR AZMAN 3 11 11 8 --- 2 9.40
40 6 BIG CITY - - 55 477 57 - Z KHAIRIL I ISMADI 5 9 9 9 --- 3 ½ 12.90
119 7 SUGAR BABY - - 55 444 57 - WK YAN P LEE 2 10 10 10 --- 2 ½ 15.40
176 1 ALL SERENE - - 59 519 59 - C GOON E BREUKELEN 4 6 8 11 --- 12¾ 28.20
Result not available yet.




Acting on veterinary advice that BERCHAM (M Yusri) shifted its near hind plate and pricked its near hind foot, the Panel of Stewards ordered the withdrawal of BERCHAM at 1.25pm. The gelding will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
BRISTOL DIAMOND (HS Gill) jumped away awkwardly.
NOTHING TO LOSE (SU Lim) was slow to begin.
LEE’S SURPRISE (SS Vanan) had to be steadied racing to the 600M, when BRISTOL DIAMOND rolled in and as a consequence, ALL SERENE (C Goon) and NOTHING TO LOSE which were following, had to be eased and lost ground.
App AM Aizat, the rider of LUCKY DAPPER reported that his mount could not handle the going.
Jockey Z Khairil, the rider of BIG CITY reported that his mount was not striding out freely and also could not handle the going. A post-race veterinary examination of BIG CITY revealed no obvious abnormality.
Post-race veterinary examinations of NOTHING TO LOSE, BRISTOL DIAMOND and CONDADO (F Yap) revealed no obvious abnormality.
A post-race veterinary examination of ALL SERENE revealed that the gelding had returned with lacerations to its near hind cannon and as such, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.


Perak 26 Noveber Meeting

Race 3 (1499) : Class IN - 1000M
Prize Money :
RM 56000
14:10 WIN TIME : 1.02.5

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
38 6 SUPER DRAGON - - 33 457 58 - M SATHIAA* c3 S DEVA RAJ 8 1 1 1 1.02.50 - -
18 3 BOOSTER - - 40 459 58 - J DE SOUZA R LINES 5 3 3 2 --- 1 ¾ 1.80
23 2 COMMANDO ECLIPSE - - 45 466 58 - J MALLYON R LINES 6 4 4 3 --- 2 ¼ 4.10
65 4 READY TO ROCK - - 39 458 58 - L DE SOUZA R LINES 3 5 5 4 --- 2 ¼ 6.40
8 10 FOR FUN ONLY - - 0 469 51 - J DANIEL c1 R LINES 2 2 2 5 --- 2 8.40
142 8 HUN YEANG THE ONE - - 0 504 53 - M ZAIRI I ISMADI 4 6 6 6 --- 2 ½ 10.90
110 7 D'GREAT LORD - - 43 432 56 - KC WONG PK LEONG 1 7 7 7 --- ½ 11.40
Result not available yet.



RACE 3 (R1499) INITIATION – 1000m(sc) – MITAVITE CUP


WHAT, a course scratching as they had sustained lacerations on its head, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
Acting on veterinary advice that LUKE MAN (WK Yan) had kicked the back gate and was taken out for a veterinary examination. The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that LUKE MAN sustained an injury to its left hock, the Panel of Stewards ordered the withdrawal of LUKE MAN at 2.15pm. The gelding will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
YENDOR which was unable to be boxed, was withdrawn by order of the Panel of Stewards at 2.20pm. YENDOR will be required to pass one starting stall test before being declared to race again.
A post-race veterinary examination of FOR FUN ONLY (App J Daniel) revealed no obvious abnormality.


Perak 26 Noveber Meeting

Race 4 (1500) : Class OP - 1400M
Prize Money :
RM 80000
14:45 WIN TIME : 1.27.1

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
23 12 BIG ROLE - - 66 547 51 - S SADDAM SY LIM 6 2 2 1 1.27.10 - -
92 14 BADCOE - - 64 530 50 - SS VANAN c1 C LECK 4 3 3 2 --- HD 0.20
59 4 SATELLITE BOY - - 72 479 52 - SU LIM CC OOI 2 1 1 3 --- 1 ¼ 1.50
216 15 OUR GENIUS - - 63 482 50 - CK KHAW K COETZEE 10 6 6 4 --- NK 1.80
98 9 Q NINE MAGIC - - 67 474 51 - J DANIEL c1 K COETZEE 16 15 15 5 --- ½ 2.30
17 7 HELLO SAYANG - - 68 503 51 - KC WONG S HAMILTON 1 4 4 6 --- 1 ¾ 4.10
69 6 MR PAULANDRE - - 70 566 52 - J MALLYON K ANANTHEN 3 5 5 7 --- 1 5.10
126 10 STAR CHOICE - - 67 437 51 - KC THAM I ISMADI 9 16 16 8 --- 2 7.10
125 2 TIDAL WAVE - - 82 497 55 - AM AIZAT c1 F MAYNARD 14 11 11 9 --- ¾ 7.90
51 17 BRILLIANT DEAL - - 73 491 52 - W FAIZAL S SIVA 12 13 13 10 --- SHD 8.00
58 3 THESE STREETS - - 77 477 53 - F YAP c1 S SIVA 5 14 14 11 --- HD 8.20
330 11 YOU ARE GENIUS - - 67 470 51 - M YUSRI c1 K COETZEE 15 7 7 12 --- 1 ¼ 9.50
124 8 KEEN DRAGON - - 68 468 51 - HS GILL K COETZEE 8 8 8 13 --- 1 ½ 11.00
183 1 BLACK AND WHITE - - 101 483 60 - Z KHAIRIL SHANMUGAM 11 10 10 14 --- 3 ¾ 14.80
330 13 LUCK SUCCESS - - 66 446 51 - LOU HO K COETZEE 13 12 12 15 --- NK 15.10
26 16 BROWCOW - - 62 500 50 - R WOODWORTH S SIVA 7 9 9 16 --- ¾ 15.90
Result not available yet.




KERAUNO, a course scratching as it was tying up, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
BORN TO FLY was scratched due to a capacity field and secured a run in an alternate race (Race 1).
Trainer SB Tan was fined RM100/- under MRA 65(5)(c) for failing to produce the declared colours on BIG ROLE.
HELLO SAYANG (App KC Wong) was slow to begin.
STAR CHOICE (App KC Tham) showed no early pace, despite being urged.
KEEN DRAGON (HS Gill) had to be steadied racing to the 1200M and shifted out when making the first turn.
THESE STREETS (F Yap) made the first turn awkwardly and had to be steadied.
BROWCOW (R Woodworth) which was over-racing, had to be steadied on several occasions between the 1200M and the 1000M.
Racing to the 700M, BROWCOW had to be checked to avoid the heels of HELLO SAYANG which rolled out.
Post-race veterinary examinations of MR PAULANDRE (J Mallyon), HELLO SAYANG, Q NINE MAGIC (App J Daniel) and BROWCOW revealed no obvious abnormality.


Perak 26 Noveber Meeting

Race 5 (1501) : Class G1 - 1600M
Prize Money :
RM 250000
15:25 WIN TIME : 1.39.4

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
32 6 TILSWORTH FREDDIE - - 82 448 54 - WK YAN C LECK 1 1 1 1 1.39.40 - -
15 3 VOLCANIC GENERAL - - 99 531 58 - R WOODWORTH C LECK 4 4 4 2 --- ¾ 0.80
24 2 TRUSON - - 102 479 59 - LOU HO S EDWARDS 5 13 13 3 --- 1 ¼ 2.10
111 9 LITTLEBITOFJOY - - 74 440 52 - J DANIEL c1 I ISMADI 9 5 5 4 --- 3 ¼ 5.40
181 16 REMEMBER ME - - 68 563 51 - KC THAM WC LIM 3 7 8 5 --- 1 6.40
76 12 STREET TEASE - - 72 449 52 - S SADDAM HS LIM 12 6 6 6 --- 1 ¼ 7.70
21 4 SEA WORLD - - 87 476 55 - J DE SOUZA R LINES 8 5 7 7 --- 1 ¾ 9.50
262 13 ALEXANDRA PALACE - - 71 507 51 - CK KHAW S HAMILTON 6 14 14 8 --- NK 9.80
379 11 ASTRO FAME - - 72 486 52 - S ANANDAN S HAMILTON 10 10 9 9 --- NK 10.10
269 8 TRUDEAU - - 76 493 53 - Z KHAIRIL S EDWARDS 14 12 12 10 --- 2 ½ 12.60
104 7 JUSTICE WORLD - - 78 527 53 - J MALLYON F MAYNARD 16 9 10 11 --- 1 ¾ 14.40
360 10 ILUMINADO - - 73 445 52 - AM AIZAT c1 L MOY 2 11 11 12 --- 1 15.40
98 1 STAR QUALITY - - 102 461 59 - KC WONG KL CHONG 15 3 3 13 --- 5 ½ 20.90
572 5 WORLD HARMONY - - 84 459 55 - CK TAN c1 K COETZEE 7 2 2 14 --- NK 21.20
50 15 VALUE OF JUSTICE - - 69 504 51 - F YAP c1 WC LIM 13 16 16 15 --- HD 21.40
485 14 DROGBA - - 69 528 51 - HS GILL K COETZEE 11 8 15 16 --- 7 ½ 28.90
Result not available yet.





VALUE OF JUSTICE (F Yap) was slow into stride.
Shortly after the start, STREET TEASE (App S Saddam) shifted out, resulting in VALUE OF JUSTICE having to be steadied.
ASTRO FAME (S Anandan) raced wide from the 800M until entering the straight.
VOLCANIC GENERAL (R Woodworth) shifted out on entering the straight to obtain clear running and finished the race wide.
Passing the 300M, TRUSON (Lou Ho) had to be steadied and shifted outwards to avoid the heels of REMEMBER ME (App KC Tham).
Post-race veterinary examinations of STAR QUALITY (App KC Wong), SEA WORLD (J De Souza), STREET TEASE and VALUE OF JUSTICE revealed no obvious abnormality.


Perak 26 Noveber Meeting

Race 6 (1502) : Class 5 - 1600M
Prize Money :
RM 23000
16:30 WIN TIME : 1.41.4

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
68 13 AIR POWER - - 27 431 52 - CK KHAW R LINES 2 2 2 1 1.41.40 - -
55 7 ADMEISTER - - 38 483 57 - R RUEVEN A NOR AZMAN 11 1 1 2 --- 1 ¼ 1.30
27 5 KING SAVINSKY - - 40 574 58 - L DE SOUZA I ISMADI 8 7 7 3 --- 1 ¾ 3.10
70 9 SECOND CHANCE - - 34 466 55 - LOU HO K COETZEE 15 6 6 4 --- 1 ¾ 4.90
225 10 NAPOLEON - - 32 389 54 - S SADDAM KF WONG 16 3 3 5 --- HD 5.10
75 12 LEAP OF FAITH - - 28 460 52 - J DANIEL c1 E BREUKELEN 13 12 12 6 --- 2 ½ 7.60
150 16 AMONGST THE STARS - - 16 437 52 - Z KHAIRIL L MOY 14 8 8 7 --- ½ 8.10
112 4 LUCK DRAGON - - 41 515 58 - KC THAM K COETZEE 9 5 5 8 --- ½ 8.60
59 1 GLORY AGE - - 43 444 59 - G PEREIRA P LEE 4 11 11 9 --- NK 8.90
51 8 MAXIM DRAGON - - 36 486 56 - KC WONG S DUNDERDALE 10 9 9 10 --- SHD 9.00
30 3 EASTERN TOWKAY - - 42 475 59 - F YAP c1 S SIVA 1 10 10 11 --- 7 ½ 16.50
117 11 ORANGE - - 31 522 53 - HK CHENG B NG 12 11 11 12 --- 2 ¾ 19.30
27 2 SUCCESSION - - 43 451 59 - HS GILL K COETZEE 5 14 14 13 --- NK 19.60
229 15 KING OF THE CREEK - - 17 485 52 - SS VANAN c1 R LINES 7 14 14 14 --- SHD 19.70
31 6 ULTIMATE HERO - - 39 583 57 - C GOON K COETZEE 3 15 15 15 --- ¾ 20.50
Result not available yet.




Emergency acceptor I’M A GENIUS was withdrawn due to a capacity field.
Acting on a Veterinary Surgeon’s report that TONGARIRO (CK Tan) was presented with worn-out plates, the Panel of Stewards ordered the withdrawal of TONGARIRO at 3.15pm. Trainer C Robert was fined RM1,000/- for negligence under MRA Rule 152(5)(a) as read with MRA Rule 35(1) for failing to ensure that TONGARIRO was properly-shod.
SUCCESSION (HS Gill) and LEAP OF FAITH (App J Daniel) were slow to begin.
ADMEISTER (R Rueven) jumped away awkwardly.
ORANGE (HK Cheng) jumped away awkwardly inwards shortly after the start and bumped ADMEISTER onto MAXIM DRAGON (App KC Wong).
Shortly thereafter, ADMEISTER shifted in away from NAPOLEON (App S Saddam), resulting in LUCK DRAGON (App KC Tham) having to be steadied at the first turn.
SUCCESSION showed no early speed, despite being urged.
KING OF THE CREEK (SS Vanan) was slow into stride.
The saddle on ORANGE slipped back during the running.
SUCCESSION and LEAP OF FAITH raced wide from the 700M until entering the straight.
Jockey HS Gill, the rider of SUCCESSION reported that his mount could not handle the going and was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of SUCCESSION revealed no obvious abnormality.
Jockey C Goon, the rider of ULTIMATE HERO reported that his mount was not striding out freely.
Post-race veterinary examinations of EASTERN TOWKAY (F Yap), ULTIMATE HERO (C Goon) and ORANGE revealed no obvious abnormality.


Perak 26 Noveber Meeting

Race 7 (1503) : Class 5 - 1200M
Prize Money :
RM 23000
17:05 WIN TIME : 1.15.8

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
22 8 SANDY MIGHT - - 38 482 57 - J DE SOUZA R LINES 10 2 2 1 1.15.80 - -
81 12 RANGITAIKI - - 31 490 53 - HK CHENG B NG 5 3 3 2 --- ¾ 0.80
41 9 BANDA SEA - - 36 483 56 - R RUEVEN PK LEONG 3 10 7 3 --- ¾ 1.60
25 11 BLAZING STEED - - 33 476 54 - WK YAN P LEE 9 1 1 4 --- NK 1.90
38 3 DANE'S ANATOMY - - 41 529 58 - Z KHAIRIL P LEE 8 6 5 5 --- 1 ¼ 3.20
60 7 PROHIBITION - - 38 501 57 - KC THAM CW ROBERT 2 5 6 6 --- ¾ 4.00
32 1 MAGICAL TEN - - 43 488 59 - KC WONG AB ABDULLAH 12 11 11 7 --- 1 ¾ 5.80
74 6 DRAGON WALK - - 39 479 57 - L DE SOUZA R LINES 11 7 8 8 --- HD 6.00
57 10 SNOW DANCER - - 35 485 55 - LOU HO K COETZEE 4 8 9 9 --- 2 ¼ 8.30
309 2 SLING SHOT - - 43 517 59 - TM WAN PS KUMARAN 6 9 10 10 --- 4 ¼ 12.60
60 5 BAZINGA - - 39 530 57 - S SALEE S HAMILTON 1 12 12 11 --- 1 13.60
39 4 MR JAI - - 41 485 58 - CK TAN c1 T ASOGAN 7 4 4 12 --- 11 24.60
Result not available yet.



RACE 7 (R1503) CLASS 5 – 1200m (lc) – ENA SUPA JOINT HANDICAP

SNOW DANCER which was up 15kgs in body weight since its last run, was checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and was passed fit to start.
MAGICAL TEN (App KC Wong) was slow to begin.
Shortly after the start, BANDA SEA (R Rueven) had to be steadied when PROHIBITION (App KC Tham) jumped away awkwardly outwards.
Passing the 1100M, RANGITAIKI (HK Cheng) rolled in onto SNOW DANCER (Lou Ho) which shifted in, resulting in SNOW DANCER and PROHIBITION bumping on several occasions.
SLING SHOT clipped the heels of SNOW DANCER at the 600M and stumbled, resulting in Jockey TM Wan almost being dislodged and becoming unbalanced.
App KC Wong, the rider of MAGICAL TEN reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of MAGICAL TEN revealed no obvious abnormality.
Post-race veterinary examinations of MR JAI revealed no obvious abnormality and SLING SHOT returned with respiratory distress. SLING SHOT will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.


Perak 26 Noveber Meeting

Race 8 (1504) : Class 5 - 1200M
Prize Money :
RM 23000
17:35 WIN TIME : 1.14.8

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
10 8 BRAHMS AND LISZT - - 36 499 56 - R RUEVEN PK LEONG 1 1 1 1 1.14.80 - -
52 12 CLAIM - - 35 478 55 - M YUSRI c1 L MOY 2 4 3 2 --- 3 ½ 3.50
66 14 SUNTZU - - 32 455 54 - AM AIZAT c1 K COETZEE 6 5 4 3 --- 1 ¼ 4.80
81 15 GOLDEN EMPIRE - - 31 443 53 - M SATHIAA* c3 P LEE 4 6 5 4 --- 4 ¼ 9.10
133 3 SING ENERGY - - 42 477 59 - CK TAN c1 K COETZEE 12 12 12 5 --- 1 ¼ 10.40
354 6 HUN YEANG SQUARE - - 38 557 57 - M ZAIRI S HAMILTON 5 3 6 6 --- NK 10.70
189 4 ANAK WARRIOR - - 41 484 58 - S ANANDAN S DUNDERDALE 7 4 3 7 --- ¾ 11.50
53 11 ARCHAEOLOGY - - 35 441 55 - Z KHAIRIL T ASOGAN 10 10 10 8 --- ¾ 12.30
76 5 GRIZABELLA MEMORY (DELETED) - - 481 58 - S SALEE 8 9 9 9 --- 1 ¼ 13.60
60 2 ELF'S DREAM - - 42 497 59 - L DE SOUZA R LINES 9 11 11 10 --- ½ 14.10
43 7 SUPER GOOD - - 38 507 57 - SU LIM R LINES 13 11 11 11 --- 4 ¼ 18.40
109 13 CIZEN BROTHER (DELETED) - - 453 55 - HK CHENG 3 2 2 12 --- 4 22.40
72 9 GOOD VIBRATIONS - - 36 523 56 - J DE SOUZA R LINES 11 13 13 13 --- 1 ¼ 23.70
51 1 MR EPIC - - 43 505 59 - F YAP c1 S SIVA 14 14 14 14 --- NK 24.00
Result not available yet.




SUN THUNDER, a course scratching as it had sustained a bruised near hind fetlock, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.
GOLDEN EMPIRE (App M Sathiaa) was slow into stride.
MR EPIC (F Yap) and SING ENERGY (CK Tan) were slow to begin.
CIZEN BROTHER (HK Cheng) jumped away awkwardly out, resulting in GOLDEN EMPIRE having to steady, losing its position and CIZEN BROTHER continued outwards and bumped HUN YEANG SQUARE (M Zairi).
SUPER GOOD (SU Lim) raced wide from the 700M until entering the straight.
HUN YEANG SQUARE laid in under pressure over the concluding 300M.
Jockey F Yap and App M Sathiaa, the riders of MR EPIC and GOLDEN EMPIRE respectively, reported that their mounts could not handle the going.
Post-race veterinary examinations of MR EPIC, ELF’S DREAM (App L De Souza) and SUPER GOOD revealed no obvious abnormality.


Perak 26 Noveber Meeting

Race 9 (1505) : Class 4 - 1200M
Prize Money :
RM 43000
18:05 WIN TIME : 1.13.8

Horse Name Prize $
Prize $
Rating Horse
Jockey Trainer Bar 800m 400m Finish Finish Time Margin LBW
38 5 FAT POWER - - 56 504 57 - KC WONG E BREUKELEN 2 1 1 1 1.13.80 - -
38 4 BIG LIGHTNING - - 56 484 57 - Z KHAIRIL SY LIM 1 4 2 2 --- 4 4.00
12 2 FLYING DARCI - - 59 526 58 - LOU HO E BREUKELEN 5 6 6 3 --- 1 ½ 5.50
14 11 ARIEL - - 48 541 53 - SU LIM F MAYNARD 8 2 2 4 --- 3 ¾ 9.30
86 9 SUPREME STAR - - 52 471 55 - TM WAN SY LIM 3 12 12 5 --- 1 10.30
104 12 MISS BLANCHETT - - 48 500 53 - R RUEVEN PK LEONG 10 4 5 6 --- 4 ¼ 14.60
146 6 FEISTY LEO - - 54 500 56 - CK KHAW P LEE 13 11 7 7 --- 1 ¼ 15.90
98 1 SAM THE MAN - - 61 478 59 - F YAP c1 S SIVA 9 7 8 8 --- HD 16.10
60 3 HERE COMES THUNDER - - 58 472 58 - HK CHENG KF WONG 7 10 9 9 --- 6 ¼ 22.40
276 7 HENNESSY DRAGON - - 53 472 55 - M YUSRI c1 SHANMUGAM 4 3 4 10 --- 1 ½ 23.90
197 13 MULTI WEALTH - - 47 518 52 - S ANANDAN S HAMILTON 6 9 11 11 --- HD 24.10
420 10 AUDACIOUS - - 51 506 54 - AM AIZAT c1 SY LIM 12 8 10 12 --- ¾ 24.90
320 8 FOURVIERE - - 52 497 55 - S SADDAM L MOY 11 13 13 13 --- 6 30.90
Result not available yet.



RACE 9 (R1505) CLASS 4 – 1200m (lc) – ENA SUPA SALTS HANDICAP

FLYING DARCI (Lou Ho) was examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and was passed fit to start.
SUPREME STAR (TM Wan) and HENNESSY DRAGON (M Yusri) bumped on jumping away.
Racing to the 800M, HENNESSY DRAGON had to be steadied to avoid the heels of ARIEL (SU Lim). Jockey SU Lim, the rider of ARIEL was shown the vision of the incident and advised to exercise more care under similar circumstances in future.
AUDACIOUS (App AM Aizat) raced wide from the 700M until entering the straight.
App AM Aizat, the rider of AUDACIOUS reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of AUDACIOUS revealed no obvious abnormality.
A post-race veterinary examination of HERE COMES THUNDER (HK Cheng) revealed no obvious abnormality.
The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that FOURVIERE (App S Saddam) and MULTI WEALTH (S Anandan) both returned having cast their near fore plate.